Tyson Gorman Accepts the Leadership Kentucky Flame of Excellence Award on Behalf of Wilson Wyatt and his Family
Leadership Kentucky recently celebrated its 40th anniversary during its annual alumni luncheon. The non-profit educational organization was formed in 1984 to encourage community leaders to take an active role in advancing the state for the common good. When forming the organization, a delegation of business people sought out prominent Louisville attorney and visionary leader, Wilson W. Wyatt, Sr., who had formerly served as Mayor of Louisville and Lt. Governor of Kentucky among other numerous civic posts, for guidance in the establishment of the statewide leadership development program. The organization has gone on to have over 1,600 participants to date.
In recognition of Wilson Wyatt’s role in launching the program, he was awarded (posthumously) the organization’s Flame of Excellence, given annually to “someone who has contributed immeasurably to the success of Kentucky and its residents.” Tyson Gorman a Partner at Wyatt Tarrant & Combs, and a former Leadership Kentucky participant and board member, accepted the award on behalf of Mr. Wyatt and his family.