

March 20, 2020

The CDC has a wealth of COVID-19 resources for healthcare professionals, including Resources for Healthcare Professionals Caring for COVID-19 Patients aimed at reducing the risk of spreading the virus to our treasured warriors on the front lines of the COVID-19 battle.

  • Elective Procedures: The letter found at the following link directs healthcare providers to cancel all procedures that, in the opinion of a physician, the delay will not cause harm to the patient or negatively affect the patient’s life expectancy, effective midnight, March 18, 2020. Click here. Most Kentucky professional healthcare licensing boards, in line with the Governor’s directive and the March 18, 2020 directive in the above list, have also issued letters regarding the cancellation of elective procedures.
  • Visitors: This guidance includes information regarding visitor limitations in acute care facilities.
  • Rehabilitation Services: The Letter to Therapeutic Association Members advises that PT/OT/SLP and respiratory therapists shall continue to work in acute care, inpatient rehab settings and skilled nursing facilities to help patients heal sooner and return home, but must have all CDC recommended protective measures in place. However, all outpatient rehab settings are to close and transition to telehealth immediately. In-home rehab is to be “extremely limited” to prevent readmission to acute care or long term care settings. Additional resources related to rehabilitation services may be found here.