Information Technology
We share here the mission principles that drive our Firm’s investments in information technologies and the talented people who join in serving our clients with them.
Of course our work is done with productivity and collaboration systems whose sophistication and security match or exceed that of other law firms. But our technology strategy and specialists have a loftier horizon:

Sharing With Clients
We identify, acquire, and design information systems that are assets for our clients – facilitating shared understanding of their businesses, real-time partnering with Legal Departments and others in high quality work product, preventive services like online loss prevention training, and tight, transparent management of service costs.
Business Intelligence
We noted and carefully researched several industries’ successful use of Analytics or “Business Intelligence” systems to best serve their own customers, and incepted what we think is the best one for law firms. This powerful software and the data it mines are accessible on every professional’s desktop. It fulfills our commitment to plan and staff our services with reliable cost control, and ensure that our work is done with our characteristic sense of urgency and compliant with client outside counsel policies. Like no other technology, it allows us to accurately structure win-win flat fee and other alternative fee arrangements whenever clients want them.
Litigation Technology
In litigation, we offer and partner with client Legal Departments in the use of state-of-art systems for the collection, review, production, and presentation of both electronically stored information (“e-discovery”) as well as traditional tangible documents. The results are accurate and efficient, and offer a viable alternative for clients who disfavor outsourcing such work to expensive vendors or foreign processors.
In trials and arbitrations, we port our discovery technology into state-of-art evidence presentation systems for powerful fact visualization and cross-examination. The same tools are equally useful for “Boardroom” and other business communications.
Database Services for Clients
We provide custom SQL-compliant databases, accessible to clients, for managing collaborative work on hundreds of individual transactions, often linking progress records to deal documents themselves. Using such a database, we recently handled over 800 commercial transactions in a two-year period for a global client, with minimal burden on its Legal Department.
Client Quality Control and Loss Prevention
We assemble automation-packaged “toolkits” with business document templates or forms, and instructions for non-lawyer personnel using them on the “front lines,” to improve the quality of deal terms and reduce the risk of disputes and losses. And our in-person training services are combined with the option of global training using Webex technology.
Video Conferencing
We have advanced encrypted video conference systems, often used to conduct lawsuit depositions, negotiation meetings, and the like with elimination of travel and lodging costs and complete privacy, especially important in matters involving health care and similar information.
These are just a few of the contributions of our aggressive IT strategy, that keep our staff and management up late at night, looking for more. For further information on our technology services, contact:
Julie A. Hensley
Chief Information Officer
Mark Farmer
Partner in Charge of Technology